Center News
25 2020.02
Guided by staff and student volunteers, the new students took steps to finish enrolment procedures including verification, tuition payment, dormitory arrangement and student handbook collection. All procedures are precise and efficient. Problems can be so
25 2020.02
Guided by staff and student volunteers, the new students took steps to finish enrolment procedures including verification, tuition payment, dormitory arrangement and student handbook collection. All procedures are precise and efficient. Problems can be so
25 2020.02
Guided by staff and student volunteers, the new students took steps to finish enrolment procedures including verification, tuition payment, dormitory arrangement and student handbook collection. All procedures are precise and efficient. Problems can be so
Alpha Exponent
Alpha Exponent
低交易额波动性300指数(vdtv300指数) 由上海和深圳交易所上市的过去个月内交 易额波动性最低的300只股票为样本(排除科创版上市股票)根据股票流通A股市值加权方式构建,以反映沪深证券市场换手率比较稳定的股票的整体情况和走势。2005年1月1日为基准日,基准点100点。
Alpha Exponent